Generating timetables

Irigo network

Interactive kiosks for generating timetables

Irigo - Bornes de génération de fiches horaires IPM France
Irigo _ Bornes de génération de fiches horaires IPM France
An interactive kiosk for travellers using the Irigo network


The transport network Irigo equips its agency with an innovative, interactive kiosk for generating timetables, for easier access to network-specific information. Installed in the agency’s concourse, this modular multi-service kiosk caters to users’ needs by providing convenient, interactive services.


A multi-service solution for Irigo network users

This interactive kiosk for generating timetables provides self-service access to a range of options that simplify travellers’ experience. It can particularly be used to print personalised timetables, where users can select just the times of the lines relevant to them, thus helping to reduce paper waste. Moreover, it displays an intuitive interactive map, which is ideal for easily consulting the network’s routes and lines.

What makes this touch-screen kiosk so innovative, beyond being easy to use, is its environmentally friendly configuration, aimed at limiting unnecessary print-outs. By only printing the specific times requested by users, it helps to reduce paper waste. To avoid systematic printing, there are also alternative options available, such as sending the information by email or via a QR code. Not only that, but print-outs are in black and white, which minimises both the ecological impact and associated costs.

The Irigo interactive kiosk also contributes to digital inclusion by providing all travellers, no matter how technologically savvy, with direct, intuitive access to the information they need. Such accessibility fosters equality and independence for all network users.


Benefits for the network and for users 

  • Traveller independence and satisfaction: users manage their needs as and when it suits, without having to wait for assistance from staff.
  • Fewer queues: a major advantage for keeping flows moving at the agency, especially at busy times.
  • Modern, innovative image: by providing interactive services, Irigo enhances its profile as a network at the forefront of technology.


This interactive solution has been developed in partnership with Latitude-Cartagène Cartographies.

  • Continuous, self-service access
  • Autonomy and traveler satisfaction
  • Queue reduction
  • Modern, innovative image