Propose your services non-stop with interactive kiosks
Even when your point of sale or service is closed!
Interactive kiosks are an effective additional distribution channel and ensure sales when your retail outlets are closed.
Thanks to interactive kiosks, your services are no longer only available in your traditional network of retail outlets.
Free Mobile has chosen this option with the installation of interactive kiosks in its Free Centers and chains of newsagents throughout France (Maison de la Presse and Mag Presse). As a result, the telecom operator has an additional distribution channel and continues to deliver when their other outlets are closed.
For example, forced to close its stores during the Covid19 health crisis, Free Mobile continues to deliver to their customers with our interactive kiosks. "Our customers have access to 1,000 interactive SIM distribution kiosks in France in newsagents and tobacconists where they can change their SIM card or pick up a SIM card for someone else," explains Thomas Reynaud, Chief Executive Officer of Free Iliad (source: article “Sans télécoms, le pays ne peut plus fonctionner” published 18 March 2020 in Le Figaro).
Sim card Vending kiosk - Free Mobile
Interactive kiosks guarantee your services are available to your users even when the outlets are closed.
For example, two branches of the French public service (Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés (CNAM-TS) and Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales (CNAF)) have installed interactive touch kiosks so that users can carry out their own administrative procedures including consulting accounts and printing certificates and supporting documents.
Installed in the organisations’ agencies, the kiosks reduce congestion and waiting time for users. As the availability of services is critical to both organisations they also offer outdoor and sheltered kiosks to provide a non-stop service. Users have access to administrative services 24/7, even when the agency is closed!
Outdoor administration kiosk - CNAF