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Podeliha facilitates tenants’ administrative procedures

by installing interactive kiosks in its agency!
Interactive kiosks to streamline administrative procedures!


Podeliha, a comprehensive real estate operator in France's Pays de la Loire region, is setting up two interactive kiosks at its Angers headquarters to simplify administrative procedures for its tenants. 

Installing these interactive kiosks at the agency will allow Podeliha's tenants to save time with their administrative tasks. This gives agents the opportunity to focus on more complex and time-consuming missions in terms of human interaction. The interactive kiosks also play a crucial role in promoting digital inclusion by allowing people without home computer or Internet access to easily access all of Podeliha's services. 

Once they have identified themselves at the kiosk, tenants can easily access a number of services, including housing requests, getting information about housing matters (for example, ongoing work), printing official documents (payment notices or rent receipts), filing housing insurance certifications, or paying rent. 

Podeliha's interactive multi-service kiosks provide tenants with a friendly and intuitive way to carry out their administrative tasks. This interactive kiosk-optimised front-end application is developed by our partner, Kyxar

IPM France supports Podeliha throughout its project by providing: advice and support before, during and after the kiosks' lifespanthe interactive kiosks themselves, as well as Softkiosk middlewareon-site kiosk installation and operational maintenance and monitoring customer path data through the Dashkiosk hypervision tool

By adopting these innovative solutions, Podeliha satisfies its tenants' needs and sets itself apart from the rest in an increasingly competitive real estate market!

Bornes interactives Podeliha_IPM France

Find out more about Podeliha


Podeliha provides comprehensive housing solutions: lease management, new and old housing sales, as well as property management and support for citizens of the Loire region throughout the housing process. Thanks to its management parity, which includes its primary shareholder Action Logement Immobilier alongside elected officials and tenant representatives, Podeliha is effectively committed to developing the Loire region's housing situation. In order to provide locally tailored solutions, Podeliha has implemented ambitious innovation and sustainable development policies.

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