The EK 2000-22 interactive kiosk made by IPM France provides your users with a whole host of services such as reception, orientation, queue management as well as sales assistance or building customer loyalty. The EK 2000-22 kiosk slots seamlessly into branches or sales outlets thanks to its compact design and wide array of installation options (wall-mounted, tabletop or on a self-supporting stand). This robust kiosk is designed for intensive use.
This touchscreen kiosk has a tilted full HD 22” widescreen for an enhanced, user-friendly experience.
The EK 2000 information kiosk provides users with extensive functionality: secure card payments thanks to its integrated connected Pinpad, SESAM-Vitale card reader, identification and checking-in, ticket printing and web browsing.
To find out more about our EK 2000-22 kiosk, contact the IPM team.