About us

IPM France, the specialist in innovative and sustainable digital solutions

to make everyday life easier for everyone, everywhere.

Innovative and sustainable digital solutions
For 20 years, IPM France has been innovating and offering responsible digital solutions dedicated to digitalising its customers' services. Based in Romans-sur-Isère, in the Drôme region of France, IPM France stands out for its values of Sharing, Audacity and Innovation, and for its commitment to ‘TechForGood’, aimed at promoting digital inclusion and offering everyone the means to evolve in a world where technology is constantly advancing. To underline its commitment to innovation and digital technology, IPM France has been awarded the French Tech 120 (2020), French Fab, Bpi Excellence, is a ‘PERL’ member of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Entreprises network and is an active member of Digital League, the cluster of companies in the digital sector in Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.


CSR and Innovation at the heart of IPM France's DNA!
IPM France is committed to a reliable and sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility policy, based on 3 main objectives: to reduce its carbon footprint; to build sustainable innovations with its customers and partners; and to make 'Numérique Responsable' an integral part of the company's culture. IPM France is currently in the process of obtaining level 1 certification for the ‘Numérique Responsable’ programme, and is fully committed to promoting a sober, ethical and inclusive digital environment. IPM France is also certified by ecovadis for the social and environmental evaluation of suppliers, attesting to its commitment to responsible practices.
IPM France spearheads innovation to offer solutions that meet the needs of a wide range of target markets, including mobility, healthcare, local authorities, leisure and telecoms operators.



Management and governance committed to the success of IPM France!
Virginie Boissimon-Smolders has been Chairman and CEO of IPM France since January 2024, bringing to the company her 25 years' experience as a digital pioneer and entrepreneur in the field of innovation. Her ambition is to drive forward and implement the strategic vision of the company's shareholders, with a clear desire for IPM France to continue to be a forerunner in digital and responsible solutions.
IPM France's shareholders are as follows:
  • Guy Daumas, Founding Partner. A telecommunications specialist, he headed IPM France for over 15 years.
  • Etienne Dureau, Founding Partner. He managed IPM France for more than 15 years, alongside his partners, as Chairman and Director of Marketing and Sales.
  • Danielle Simon, Founding Partner. She also managed IPM France as Finance and Human Resources Director for 15 years.
  • Eximium, a family investment holding company based in the Drôme region, which manages investments in listed and unlisted companies worth over €500m.
  • Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes - Capital Investissement